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Rekrutacja 2021/2022
SP Sportowa
Liceum (GIM)
Liceum (SP)
Organy szkoły
Projekt Polsko-Niemiecki
‘Go Green in Berlin’ is an ecological project that we have started last year. We were invited to this project by Mr. Ulrich Nowikow from Gruene Liga in Berlin (non government organisation) who first e-mailed Mrs Edyta Ostrowska. Our high school students were exploring eco issues. During the years 2011 – 2012 we were working on a ‘Potato Case’ We’ve learnt how to grow potatoes in a traditional and eco way and also tried to prepare delicious meals .... using potatoes, of course' Ecological Potatoes

Currently we're working on new eco subjects: Eating Habits in Poland and Eco Transport.
So far, so good ........ We named our project 'Go Green in Berlin' and the first action in the project was cooking.
We did surveys about healthy food and GMO - among primary school children & high school students. Here are the results:

Ankieta klasa 6

Ankieta klasy 2-3

Then we prepared statistics about eating habits in Poland and information about daily and weekly food expenses in average Polish family. Here are the results:


the next step was COOKING
We found the most interesting, healthy - yet delicious recipes for cheap and healthy meals (10 zł each) and prepared some of them together.
Here are the pictures and the recipes:


" Rice cutlets "

Essential Ingredients: rice, sausage, egg, cheese, breadcrumbs, spices, oil,
How To Make (Step by Step):
* cook rice, then put it aside until it's cool
* add: 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs, grated cheese & spices
* mix everything
* cut the sausage into 4 pieces
* now you can form the chops (any shape you like :D) - don't forget to put a piece of sausage inside each chop
* dip each one in breadcrumbs & then just fry until golden brown

The 'Go Green in Berlin' team:
students: Jakub Wyrzykowski, Edyta Ziarko, Patryk Kubrak, Aleksandra Prochorów, Paula Konopka, Patrycja Mioduszewska, Natalia Sternik.
teachers: Marlena Skutnik & Edyta Ostrowska.

students: Nikolina Sienkiewicz, Julia Stefanowicz, Jakub Sierzputowski and Rafał Kozikowski,Jakub Wyrzykowski, Edyta Ziarko,
teachers: Marlena Skutnik & Edyta Ostrowska.

There are more students involved in the project. They will be introduced on this site soon.

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